Monday, September 8, 2008

Twitter + Digg = Twiggit or TwitterFeed

Last week, I posted how to TwitterFeed Your Blog Posts into Your Facebook Status. Since then I have learned about a new service called Twiggit.


Twiggit is a service that checks your recent Digg activity (i.e., votes, article submissions) and then posts your recent Digg activiy in your Twitter status. Steps required to activate Twiggit simply include:
  1. Provide your Digg username and tell Twiggit how often to check your Digg activity (e.g., 5, 10, 30 minutes)
  2. Choose whether to display your Digg votes and article submissions or just article submissions
  3. Provide your Twitter username and password
  4. Provide your e-mail: not sure why since you login into Twiggit using your twitter username and password
  5. Start digging on Digg and see if your Twitter friends engage your Digg profile
For each article you vote or submit on Digg, Twiggit updates your Twitter status with the Digg article title and a tiny URL to the Digg article page. You can turn Twiggit off at any time but need to remove Twiggit posts from your Twitter status feed using Twitter.


TwitterFeed can do everything Twiggit can do plus provide more granular control. Since TwitterFeed is simply an RSS reader and Digg provides RSS feeds for all of your Digg activity, you can recreate the same service that Twiggit performs by adding one or more of your Digg RSS feeds to your TwitterFeed profile. For example, my Digg profile's RSS feeds include:
  • All of my recent activity
  • All of my diggs
  • All of my comments
  • All of my favorites
My guess is that Twiggit is using these same Digg RSS feeds to discover and publish your Digg activity into your Twitter status. Even though Twiggit takes the thinking out of integrating Digg and Twitter, you can have more granular control over your Digg-Twitter integration by manually plugging in your specific Digg profile RSS feeds into your TwitterFeed profile. In addition, you can add other peoples' Digg activity to your Twitter status using TwitterFeed and Digg RSS feeds; which might be good for companies with one Twitter account and mutliple employees using Digg.

Another difference between Twiggit and TwitterFeed is that Twiggit requires that you login with your Twitter username and password while TwitterFeed logs you in using OpenId and still requires that your Twitter username and password be stored in your TwitterFeed profile. Since TwitterFeed authenticates you using OpenId istead of with your Twitter username and password, TwitterFeed allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts using one TwitterFeed account. Further, TwitterFeed gives you the option to prefix your Digg submissions with text like "Digg this:" so that your Twitter friends know ahead of time where the URL is going to take them.

Twiggit vs. TwitterFeed Summary

If you want to integrate Digg and Twitter in less than 30 seconds then use Twiggit. However, use TwitterFeed if you want more control over your Digg-Twitter integration. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you change your Twitter password you will need to update all of your Twitter services (e.g., Twiggit, TwitterFeed).


  1. But now Twiggit has become an payment service, so Twitterfeed is the main choice.

  2. Except, that twitterfeed is awful because it doesn't work for half the world and you get zill support.

  3. 1.5 years after writing this blog post, I now use FeedBurner to publish blog posts to Twitter. It is easy to set up and more reliable than TwitterFeed.
